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Moisture in your home isn't unnatural, in fact did you know for example, 4 people living in a 3 bedroom property would create 112 pints of moisture a week from just breathing, cooking, showering and boiling the kettle.
However if your home is airtight there is nowhere for this moisture to escape and that is where the problems arise.
Mould and damp is caused by a build up of excess of moisture in the air. This can arise from a number of issues; leaking pipes, rising damp in basements or ground floors, or rain seeping in because of exterior damage to the roof or around the sealant window frames.
Excess moisture can also be caused by condensation, it'e easy to keep on top of condensation in your home by doing things like avoiding drying clothes inside, you can find further advice with our great condensation reducing tips. There is nothing more frustrating than spending time, money and effort keeping your home in perfect condition only to be rewarded by the appearance of mould.
Unfortunately, mould can appear in any room of the house, it’s not just a problem exclusive to bathrooms it can appear around window frames, behind furniture, on mattresses, walls, floors, ceilings and doors. It can even find its way into your wardrobe and on to your clothing, shoes and bags.
There are different types of mould, and some are more dangerous than others;
Toxic black mould is the most dangerous and should be left to a professional to remove.
Apart from being unsightly and ruining your decor, there is growing evidence to suggest mould can severely affect your health. It can cause headaches, breathing difficulties as well as nausea and fatigue. What’s more, mould is a recognised allergen and irritant, it has also been identified as a trigger for more serious health problems such as respiratory problems and asthma.
Mould can also be incredibly dangerous for those with a weakened immune system, babies, young children and the elderly. The symptoms of mould allergy are very similar to the symptoms of other allergies, such as sneezing, itching, runny nose, congestion and dry, scaling skin.
Mould spores get into your nose and cause hay fever symptoms. They also can reach the lungs and trigger asthma.
If you find mould in your home, you can tackle removing the mould however you must be sure it isn't toxic black mould. You must be very careful when dealing with mould as it is possible to have an allergic reaction.
To remove mould off a wall;
Of course this doesn't attack the source of the mould and you need to investigate why you had a mould problem in the first place, otherwise it will just come back.
The good news is that one of the most common causes of mould is condensation dampness, a problem which affects millions of homes in the UK. Surprisingly, it is easy to resolve once you have identified the problem and ruled out any issues with rising or penetrating damp.
Damp and mould must be dealt with quickly to stop the issues getting worse. If you suspect you have a condensation damp issue, arrange a free survey today and your local ventilation expert can visit your property and advise.
1 in 5 UK homes suffer from mould and condensation problems. Find out more about what you can do to prevent mould being a problem in your property.
Bathroom Mould prevention tips
Can mildew be harmful to your health?
What's the difference between mould and mildew?
What are the most common places to find mildew?
How to prevent mould on ceilings
Fixing problems with mould and mildew
What is mildew?
What causes mildew in the home
Can mould cause allergic reactions?
How to Prevent Mildew
How to stop mould growing behind furniture
Is mould causing problems in your home
How improved ventilation stops mould problems
Passive ventilation and mould problems
How does mould affect health?
Can you stop mould growing in wardrobes?
Can anti-fungal paint stop mould?
Why does mould grow in cupboards?
What are Mould Spores?
How to clean mould from your ceiling
One of our local experts will contact you to learn more about your problems, offer free expert advice and make recommendations for a solution.
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