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Can Better Ventilation Stop Hay Fever

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Can Better Ventilation Stop Hay Fever?

By Ruth MacEachern

Product Manager

May 16, 2023

According to a recent survey by Kleenex, almost half of the UK population suffer with some hay fever symptoms during the summer months.  For some people, hay fever can be a debilitating condition that means they can’t enjoy the warm weather or go outdoors without suffering from a blocked nose, streaming eyes, and difficulty breathing.

While antihistamines can help to some extent, they can leave users feeling drowsy and don’t always get rid of symptoms completely.  Many hay fever sufferers avoid going outdoors during the summer months and keep their windows closed to prevent pollen getting into their homes, but even this can’t help to stop symptoms altogether.

What causes hay fever?

Hay fever, or allergic rhinitis is caused by a severe immunological response by the body to pollen.  During the spring and summer months, as grass and other plants flower, pollen is released into the air.  Pollen is made up of tiny particles that can be carried on the air and inhaled.

With hay fever, the body’s immune system reacts to the presence of pollen causing the mucus membranes in the eyes and upper respiratory tract to swell and become irritated.  In some cases, the allergic reaction can be severe and cause difficulty breathing.

Some people are allergic to all pollens while others only suffer a reaction to specific strains.  There are several pollen seasons over the course of the summer with tree pollens affecting people in late spring while later in the summer, grass pollens are the bigger problem.

How pollen gets into your home

There are many ways that pollen can get into your home.  The grains of pollen can become attached to clothing, hair, and shoes and be carried in by visitors.  As a result, people with hay fever should remove outdoor clothing away from their beds and wash their hair before going to sleep.

The most common way that pollen gets into your home though is through open windows.  While leaving windows closed can stop the pollen, it also means a lack of fresh air in the building which can make a house uncomfortably hot and stuffy on summer days.

Can ventilation stop pollen?

Positive Input Ventilation Systems (PIV) are a highly effective way to cut the amount of pollen in your home and reduce symptoms of hay fever.

A positive Input Ventilation system provides fresh air to your whole house.  Air is drawn in at roof level and filtered to remove pollution and particles of pollen.  This fresh air is then gently distributed throughout the house.  Increased air pressure from the air being drawn into the home displaces the stale air and has the benefit of reducing the flow of air through other gaps in the envelope of the home.

As air circulates, pollen that is already inside the home is displaced and carried away meaning that the concentration of the allergens gets lower, and you are less likely to have a reaction.

Find out more

Hay fever can make summer miserable, but better ventilation can help.  Improving the ventilation in your home will also stop condensation which can lead to mould – another allergen that can cause serious damage to your health.

If you are suffering from hay fever or other allergy problems, we can help.  Our local specialists around the UK can visit your home to carry out a free home survey and provide you with advice about the best solution for your property.  Simply enter your postcode in the form below to find a ventilation expert near you.

Need help with condensation or mould problems?

One of our local experts will contact you to learn more about your problems, offer free expert advice and make recommendations for a solution.

During the free survey we will

  • check Assess any condensation or mould problems in your property
  • check Take readings of the relative humidity levels
  • check Identify any underlying problems and make recommendations for a solution

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