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Can Condensation Be Prevented

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Can Condensation Be Prevented

By Ruth MacEachern

Product Manager

Jul 03, 2023

The presence of droplets of water on your bedroom windows when you wake up on a cool morning is the most visible form of condensation in your home, but did you know that condensation can form on any surface because of water vapour being released from air as it cools. While condensation forming on windows is harmless, if it occurs on porous surfaces such as walls, the moisture can soak through into the underlying plasterwork and create damp patches that will require expensive repair.

What causes condensation

Moisture is released into the air of our homes throughout the day. Activities including cooking, drying clothes indoors, and bathing cause water to evaporate. Depending on temperature, air can hold a surprising amount of water and carry it from room to room. As the air cools, the water is released. This normally happens during contact with a cold surface and is why you will commonly see condensation forming on windows.

What are the risks of condensation

Condensation is the root of a number of problems. It is one of the most common causes of damp in the home. When the moisture soaks into the plasterwork it can become trapped and take a long time to dry out. Over time, the presence of water in the plaster will cause it to partially dissolve and begin to crumble. A stain on a wall where the pigment from the plaster has soaked through the surface paint might be the first sign that you have a damp problem, and by then it will be expensive to repair.

While damp can be an expensive problem to repair, it also creates an environment for mould to grow. Mould spores can be found on almost any surface, but unless there is persistent moisture they will not normally start to grow. Damp patches allow mould to thrive, and it does not take long for large patches of unsightly dark mould to develop.

In higher concentrations, mould spores can be an allergen causing breathing problems, and skin irritation. For some people with weaker immune systems, mould can be highly toxic and may need to be removed professionally.

Stopping condensation removes the source of moisture that causes damp and mould, and this means reducing the humidity in your home.

Reducing humidity

Large quantities of water vapour are released into the air during activities including bathing and cooking. If the airflow in your house allows it, this moisture can easily escape into other rooms where it will cause condensation. Having effective ventilation in your bathroom and kitchen in the form of an extractor fan, the water vapour can be removed to the exterior of your home.

Modern extractor fans such as the EnviroVent Cyclone 8 are fitted with a sensor that detects the humidity level and adjusts the power so that they remove the water vapour more quickly.

The major advantage of an extractor fan is that it creates negative air pressure in the room where it is fitted. This ensures that air is drawn into that room from elsewhere in your home to prevent the humidity from escaping and forming damp elsewhere.

Extractor fans are only part of the solution to preventing condensation. Many other activities such as drying clothes and even breathing can release moisture into the air in your home. In rooms with poor airflow such as bedrooms, condensation will still form unless you have good ventilation throughout your home.

Whole house solutions such as Positive Input Ventilation (PIV) systems can be fitted to most homes. These systems have a central unit which is mounted in the loft, and which draws fresh air into your home from outside. This air is filtered to remove particulate matter including allergens such as pollen before being gently distributed into all rooms.

PIV systems like the EnviroVent Atmos range cost very little to operate and run consistently. They help to prevent mould spores from developing, and in areas with high radon levels, are effective at maintaining healthy air. PIV systems displace the humid air from your home and are a highly effective way of preventing condensation permanently.

Find out more

If condensation is becoming a problem in your home, it is possible that you have insufficient ventilation. Book a free home survey from our local specialist and we will help you uncover the cause of condensation in your home and provide advice about the best way to prevent condensation from leading to damp and mould.

Simply enter your postcode below to book your survey today.

Need help with condensation, mould or damp problems?

One of our local experts will contact you to learn more about your problems, offer free expert advice and make recommendations for a permanent solution.

During the free survey we will

  • check Assess any condensation, damp or mould problems in your property
  • check Take readings of the relative humidity levels
  • check Identify any underlying problems and make recommendations for a permanent solution

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