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EnviroVent Promotes Clean Air Day 2019

Clean Air Day is a national campaign designed to raise awareness of air pollution and the damaging affect it has on our health. Both indoor and outdoor air pollution present different risks to our health but both are equally damaging. Clean Air Day takes place around the 20th of June annually. 


Air pollution is an umbrella term for lots of different types of pollution in the air around us. All these pollutants can be inhaled and absorbed into your body. Different types of pollution are caused by different things, and can affect your body in different ways. For the most part, air pollution is invisible to the naked eye, so just because you can’t see it, doesn’t mean it’s not there.


EnviroVent are passionate about good air quality and offer advice on how to improve air quality in the home, for example check out our 21 simple ways of improving air quality in a property.

This year members of the EnviroVent team made pledges on how they were going to contribute in the fight against air pollution. A fantastic grass wall was erected in the office and the team completed pledge cards, showcasing them on the wall. 


There was a massive response on social media, which saw many coming together to raise awareness.

The day was very successful with the pledge wall full at the end of the day! Just take a look at some of the great pledges made!                                                                                          


Thank You to Everyone Who Made a Pledge!

By Ruth MacEachern

Product Manager

Jun 25, 2019
Team members made a fantastic effort with their pledges, just look at some of the ones contributed!

EnviroVent have big plans for next years Clean Air Day with the aim of reaching more and spreading the importance of clean air further. There are some great stuff in the pipeline so make sure you keep up to date with the latest of our blog articles. 

If you are concerned about the air pollution in your home, you can arrange to have an air quality test carried out. Click here for more information.

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