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Homeowner welcomes prize set to solve radon & condensation issues

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Homeowner welcomes ventilation prize set to solve radon & condensation issues

By Ruth MacEachern

Product Manager

Sep 27, 2022

A Hemel Hempstead homeowner with a high level of Radon in his home is celebrating winning a brand new ATMOS® ventilation system from EnviroVent. 

Since discovering his property contains high levels of the radioactive gas (Radon), Umang Mathur has been looking for a solution to improve the air quality in his home and reduce condensation.  Umang, who lives with his wife, daughter and baby son, was therefore delighted when he won an ATMOS® positive input ventilation (PIV) system, complete with installation.

Radon is a colourless, odourless radioactive gas that is formed by the radioactive decay of the small amounts of uranium that occur naturally in all rocks and soils. Certain parts of the UK are more at risk of Radon, which has no smell, taste or colour, but can cause serious health problems for people living in properties with higher Radon levels.  Exposure to higher than acceptable Radon levels is the leading cause of lung cancer in non-smokers in the UK, with an estimated 1,100 deaths from lung cancer each year being caused by Radon.

EnviroVent’s Positive Input Ventilation systems not only improve overall indoor air quality by reducing humidity and preventing condensation and mould growth, but are also effective in reducing Radon gas levels, mitigating the risks of the gas on occupants.

Umang’s home showed high levels of Radon, measuring between 160-200  Bq/m­_3.  The ATMOS® ventilation system draws in fresh, filtered clean air from outside and dilutes, displaces and replaces moisture-laden air to control humidity levels and reduces indoor contaminants.   It will reduce the Radon level in the home to below the action level of 200 Bq/m­_3

Following his win, Umang’s home was surveyed by EnviroVent’s franchisee, Julie Wells, who said “It is great that Umang won the competition as he is very conscious of the indoor air quality in his home and how it could be harming him and his family.  He has been searching for a remedy ever since he found out. His daughter is so proud that her dad has won an ATMOS®!  All the family are very much looking forward to their installation.”

David Spurrier, EnviroVent’s Domestic Ventilation Manager, said: “We are advising homeowners if they are concerned about Radon levels in their home to get in touch and we will arrange a Radon test.  Our Positive Input Ventilation systems have proved to be very effective in reducing Radon gas levels and therefore minimising the risks to occupants.  These systems also have a very positive benefit by improving indoor air quality in the home, which helps to create a healthier living environment.”

Radon can be present in buildings of any size, age, type or location.  It is typically found in areas with high levels of granite and other igneous rock.  To find out the risks in your area, visit

EnviroVent offers a range of Positive Input Ventilation (PIV), as well as Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery (MVHR) solutions to home owners and housebuilders.  Its award-winning products are manufactured in the UK and available for installation by EnviroVent’s dedicated team of nationwide installation engineers, who are also on-hand to provide after-sales support.

For more information on ventilation solutions click here or call 0345 27 27 807.