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How Extractor Fans Stop Mould in Rented Homes

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How Extractor Fans Stop Mould in Rented Homes

By Ruth MacEachern

Product Manager

Nov 03, 2023

Mould can be a major problem in any home during the cold winter months when people spend more time indoors, and the cold temperatures outside make condensation on windows and exterior walls more common.  Landlords have a responsibility to their tenants to provide a quality living space and must take steps to prevent mould as it can be damaging to health.

Rented properties create specific challenges in the prevention of mould, as it is not always possible to inspect the home to identify a problem before it becomes serious.  As such, installing effective ventilation in the property is essential.

The importance of extractor fans

Extractor fans are devices that remove moisture laden stale and humid air from a room so that it can be replaced with fresh and dry air.  With a single extractor fan, this air is drawn from elsewhere in the home.  The lower air pressure from an extractor fan will draw fresh air into the home through vents and ensure that the air circulates through different rooms to.  Extractor fans should always be installed in bathrooms and kitchens and other wet rooms such as WCs and utility rooms, where most of the moisture is generated.

Extractor fans can help to stop mould in rented homes several different ways:

  • Reducing the humidity level in the room, which prevents condensation from forming on cold surfaces
  • Improving the ventilation and airflow in the room, which prevents the moist and stale air from being trapped inside
  • Removing the mould spores and other pollutants from the air, which prevents them from being inhaled or coming into contact with the eyes, nose, or mouth

There are different types of extractor fans available, such as axial, centrifugal, or mixed flow fans. They can also vary in size, power, noise, and features. Some extractor fans have timers, sensors, or switches that control when and how long they run. Some extractor fans also have heaters, filters, or lights that enhance their functionality and performance.

The EnviroVent Cyclone 7 extractor fan features a moisture sensor that detects the humidity level in the air and adjusts its power level accordingly.  This means that it reduces the amount of water vapour in the air of a bathroom much more quickly and allows it to work more efficiently over time which can help to reduce energy use.

The effectiveness of extractor fans depends on several factors, such as:

  • The size and layout of the room
  • The amount and source of moisture in the room
  • The location and installation of the fan
  • The maintenance and cleaning of the fan

To get the best results from the extractor fans that are installed in your property, it is important to consider where and how they are installed, as well as ensuring that they have sufficient airflow to cope with the environment where they are placed.  The minimum extract ventilation rates for intermittent extract systems are as follows:

  • Bathroom 15 litres / second
  • Kitchen with an extractor hood over the hob 30 litres / second
  • Kitchen without an extractor hood over the hob 60 litres / second
  • Utility room 30 litres / second
  • Sanitary accommodation 6 litres / second

When planning the installation of extractor fans in a home, a specialist will be able to be advise what type of fan is required based on the size and layout of the rooms, but fans should always be installed by a qualified electrician.

The responsibilities of tenants

Extractor fans are not a magic solution to mould and damp problems in any home.  The residents need to ensure that they are correctly used and that any excess moisture is removed from walls and ceilings.

Tenants should avoid drying clothes indoors where possible, and open windows each day to allow fresh air into their homes.  Extractor fans should always be used when cooking or bathing, and left running for at least 15 minutes after use.

Find out more

Ensuring that your rental properties are well ventilated helps to prevent condensation causing problems with mould and damp that can affect the health of your tenants as well as damaging the value of your property.

Our local ventilation specialists can visit your properties to identify potential causes of condensation and provide advice about how best to prevent them.  Enter your postcode below to find an EnviroVent expert in your area.

Need help with condensation, mould or damp problems?

One of our local experts will contact you to learn more about your problems, offer free expert advice and make recommendations for a permanent solution.

During the free survey we will

  • check Assess any condensation, damp or mould problems in your property
  • check Take readings of the relative humidity levels
  • check Identify any underlying problems and make recommendations for a permanent solution

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