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How Much do PIV Systems Cost to Run

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How Much do PIV Systems Cost to Run

By Ruth MacEachern

Product Manager

Apr 16, 2024

Positive Input Ventilation Systems such as EnviroVent’s ATMOS are a highly effective way of improving the air quality in your home. They can help reduce condensation and stop mould from developing and prevent the ingress of allergens such as pollution and pollen. Modern systems are also highly efficient, costing very little to run over the course of a year.

What are PIV systems

PIV, or Positive Input Ventilation systems are a whole house ventilation system. They feature a central unit which is normally mounted in the loft and a system of ducts that distribute air around the home.

How do PIV systems work

The central unit of the PIV system draws air into your home at roof level where it is free of ground level pollutants such as radon gas or particulate matter from vehicle exhausts. The air passes through a set of filters to remove additional contaminants such as pollen before it is released into your home.

The air drawn into your home through a PIV system displaces the humid air containing water vapour and other contaminants to improve air circulation. The stale air in your home escapes through natural ventilation channels such as air vents and windows.

What are the benefits of PIV systems

PIV systems have numerous benefits over single room ventilation systems and can be retrofitted into most properties.

The most immediate benefit of PIV systems is that they help to reduce humidity in your home. This prevents condensation from forming on cold surfaces such as windows and exterior walls where it can cause damp patches to form where mould will grow.

The air filters on the intake for a PIV system will remove particulate matter from the air as it is drawn into the home. This includes pollen, which means that people with hay fever will be less exposed to allergens on days with high pollen layers. The air pressure difference generated by the PIV system also helps to reduce the amount of pollen entering the home from other sources such as open windows during hay fever season which further reduces symptoms.

In areas with high radon levels, Positive Input Ventilation systems are highly recommended. Radioactive radon gas seeps out of the ground and can interact with dust as it undergoes decay to create ionizing particles called radon daughters that have been linked with lung cancer. At roof level concentrations of radon gas are much lower than they are at the ground, and by distributing this air into the home, it prevents the build up of radon indoors, which lowers exposure to this dangerous and unseen threat to your health.

What are the running costs of PIV systems

PIV systems are a highly efficient way of improving your home ventilation and preventing issues with condensation, damp, mould, and allergens.

In a typical property at currrent electricity prices, the popular loft mounted ATMOS PIV system costs just £7.66 annually to run. If the built-in heater is used – as it may be during colder weather to maintain a comfortable temperature, the cost rises to £52.15.  For up to date information on how much our ventilation systems cost to run please head to our ventilation running costs web page:

When considering the running costs of a PIV system, it is important to consider the benefits that they bring. Improved airflow in your home can help to reduce heating bills by creating a more even heating effect from radiators.

The reduction in condensation will also help to reduce long term costs from the impact of damp and mould on your home which can otherwise be costly to fix.

Find out more

If you have noticed condensation in your home or are concerned about the health risks of mould or radon gas, improving your ventilation can help. Our local ventilation specialists can visit your property to conduct a free survey that will identify the causes of mould and advise on the right solution for your needs.

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