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How Ventilation Systems can help reduce Hayfever Symptoms

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How Ventilation Systems can help reduce Hayfever Symptoms

By Ruth MacEachern

Product Manager

Jul 16, 2021

Almost one in five people in the UK suffer from Hayfever at some point during the year.  The symptoms of the condition – streaming, painful eyes, blocked nose, and sore throat can make summer a miserable time.

While taking a daily antihistamine tablet can reduce some symptoms of Hayfever, they are not completely effective, and on days with a particularly high pollen count, it can be difficult to find relief from the irritation.

During the summer months, when the pollen levels are particularly high, sufferers may be stuck indoors with the windows closed to try and avoid the problem, but unfortunately, this is not always an effective way of keeping pollen out of a house and can even make things worse.

How Does Pollen Get into a House

The average building is not completely sealed.  There are small gaps around doors and vents around windows that allow air to flow in and out of the building.  These small gaps are more than big enough to allow microscopic grains of pollen to enter the building along with air, and then these grains can build up over time.

Pollen is also carried into a house on clothing and shoes when people enter and leave.  The amount of pollen that you can carry on your body is quite high, and one of the reasons why Hayfever sufferers are advised to wash their hair before bed and not undress in the room where they sleep.

The reason simply closing the windows isn’t particularly helpful in reducing the amount of pollen in a house is that although it removes one channel of entry, it also cuts off an exit.  Without some natural airflow in a house, the amount of pollen simply builds up over time along with other allergens that make up household dust.

How Improving Your Ventilation Can Help reduce Hayfever

A Positive Input Ventilation system (PIV) works by drawing air into the building via a central unit that distributes the air to different rooms in the building via a system of ducts and vents in the walls and ceilings.

The air being drawn into the house is filtered to remove almost all contaminants so that it is fresh and clean, and most important, almost pollen free.

The gentle flow of air through the building prevents pollen from building up in the dust in the house, as the grains that are brought in on people’s clothing are incredibly light and easily carried away.

Having a central PIV system in a house creates higher air pressure in the building than is present outside.  This means that air no longer enters through the gaps around doors or windows.  Most of the time, the air coming into the house is filtered by the PIV system.

PIV systems also benefit the house by reducing condensation that could otherwise cause damp and mould – another source of allergens in the home.

Find out More

If you, or a member of your household suffer from Hayfever, then finding a solution that lets you enjoy the summer is important.  If you would like to learn more about how improving your ventilation could help to reduce the effect of Hayfever on your life, please contact us to book a free home survey.  Our local ventilation specialists can provide advice about the best system for your home to improve your air quality.

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