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The Benefits of Good Ventilation for Health

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The Benefits of Good Ventilation for Health

By Ruth MacEachern

Product Manager

Feb 25, 2021

Ventilation systems are designed to improve the flow of air through a building to ensure that it is fresh and pleasant to breathe, but good ventilation also has many health benefits – both direct and indirect.

In this article we look at the ways in which good ventilation in a building can contribute to improved health for the residents as well as making life more enjoyable.

Reducing Damp and Mould

One of the most common reasons for installing a new ventilation system is to reduce the presence of condensation in a building which can lead to damp and the growth of mould and mildew.

Living in a house which suffers from damp can have a negative impact on health.  A damp environment is a breeding ground for house mites which are unpleasant.  The by-products that they produce from consuming dust can be released into the air where they can provoke an allergic response and worsen asthma.

House mites though are a minor problem compared to black mould which grows on damp surfaces.  Stachybotrys Chartarum is known as toxic black mould.  It grows quickly on damp surfaces and releases spores to spread.  The spores of black mould contain toxins that can damage health and worsen asthma as well as triggering serious allergic reactions.

Good ventilation reduces the humidity level of air in the home, which in turn reduces the amount of condensation.  A well-ventilated home is at much lower risk of damp and the health problems that it can cause.

Reducing the Presence of Radon Gas

Radon Gas is a radioactive gas that is present in all areas of the country at low concentrations that are harmless. In some areas such as Cornwall, Wales and Scotland, levels can become unsafe in poorly ventilated spaces. 

Where levels of Radon Gas are above safe levels, there is a clear risk to health.  The radioactive decay of Radon inside the body can result in cell damage, and Radon is recognised as a major cause of lung diseases including lung cancer.

Ventilation systems ensure that airflow through a house is constant which stops radon levels from getting too high.  By drawing air in from outside the property, radon levels are maintained at safe levels, protecting the health of the household.

Reducing Allergens and VOCs

High pollen levels during the summer can trigger hay fever and worsen asthma.  As a result, some people feel unable to open their windows to allow fresh air into their homes to prevent pollen getting in.

Closed windows result in poor airflow and allow the level of Volatile Organic Chemicals (VOCs) to build up in the home.  VOCs include chemicals from cleaning products that can be irritants as well as the various gasses that are slowly emitted from the building materials that make up the fabric of the house.

VOCs can trigger allergic reactions in some people as well as contributing to poor health.

Modern whole house ventilation systems with filters allow you to enjoy fresh air from outside the house without worrying about pollen, and other allergens from passing vehicles to be drawn into the property.  This fresh air reduces the concentration of VOCs and makes the air more enjoyable for those with allergies that could reduce their health.

Do You Need to Improve Your Ventilation?

Whether you have a problem with condensation, live in an area with higher-than-average Radon Gas Levels, or find that you are suffering from allergies all year round, ventilation can improve your indoor air quality and make life more pleasant.

Arrange a survey with one of our local specialists today and they can advise you on ways to improve the air quality in your home.

Need help with condensation, mould or damp problems?

One of our local experts will contact you to learn more about your problems, offer free expert advice and make recommendations for a permanent solution.

During the free survey we will

  • check Assess any condensation, damp or mould problems in your property
  • check Take readings of the relative humidity levels
  • check Identify any underlying problems and make recommendations for a permanent solution

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