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The True Cost of Condensation

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The True Cost of Condensation in Rented Properties

By Ruth MacEachern

Product Manager

Jul 22, 2022

Landlords have a responsibility to provide high quality housing for their tenants and to maintain the properties in good condition.  Condensation can be a major contributor to problems with damp and mould that can cause severe damage to properties that will require expensive repairs to be carried out.

The effects of Condensation

In itself, condensation is not a major problem, however if it is not dealt with, it will lead to the development of damp patches which can cause damage to the fabric of a building and create an environment where mould and dust mites can thrive, which can be damaging to the health of tenants.


Condensation causes damp when moisture soaks into porous surfaces such as wood or plaster.  In cases of damp, plaster can begin to crumble, and wallpaper may peel away from the wall, while paint will blister.

If damp is not dealt with, a room may need to be replastered.  According to Homeowner Costs UK, this can cost between £600 and £1500 depending on size.

In addition to the cost of replastering a room, you will also need to pay for decorating costs such as painting or wallpapering, which can add to the bill.


Some domestic moulds such as Stachybotrys Chartarum (Toxic Black Mould) can be harmful to health and will need to be professionally treated to ensure that the property is safe.  According to Price Your Job UK, the cost of removing mould from a single room can be between £50 and £250 depending on the size of the problem and can exceed £1,000 for a whole house.  As with damp problems, redecorating a room after the mould is removed will add to the cost.

What You Can Do

To reduce the risk of condensation leading to damage to your properties that will result in expensive repair or cleaning bills, it is important to ensure that issues are dealt with before they can worsen.

Better Ventilation

The most effective way of preventing condensation is to improve the airflow in a home.  Extractor fans in bathrooms and kitchens will remove a substantial amount of moisture from the air in those rooms before it can spread into the rest of the home where it can become condensation on cooler surfaces.

Modern extractor fans such as the EnviroVent Cyclone 8 feature humidity sensors that ensure that they run at the optimal power level to expel moist air quickly and this means less potential for condensation.

Whole house ventilation systems such as EnviroVent Atmos – a positive input ventilation system – are a more effective way of improving air flow throughout the building, which can create a healthier environment for tenants.

In some cases, installing a modern ventilation system can cost less than it would to repair the damage caused by condensation damp and mould.

Tenant Relationships

Ultimately, the behaviour of tenants in a property will have a major bearing on the risk of condensation.

Advise tenants to avoid drying clothes and towels on radiators, use the extractor fans when bathing or cooking, and to ensure that windows are kept open on warm days, and heating is maintained at a suitable temperature at cooler times, all help to reduce the amount of moisture in the air.

Read More: Top Tips for Reducing Condensation >

Beyond taking preventative steps, it is also important for tenants to advise you as soon as they spot a problem so that it can be dealt with more quickly.  It is much easier and cheaper to resolve the early stages of damp on walls, or to clean a small mould patch than it is if these issues are allowed to worsen over time.

Find out More

Our local ventilation specialists can help you to protect your rented properties with improved ventilation.  Enter your postcode below to book a free home survey where we will identify the sources of moisture in your property and advise on the most effective solution to prevent damp and mould for good.

Need help with condensation, mould or damp problems?

One of our local experts will contact you to learn more about your problems, offer free expert advice and make recommendations for a permanent solution.

During the free survey we will

  • check Assess any condensation, damp or mould problems in your property
  • check Take readings of the relative humidity levels
  • check Identify any underlying problems and make recommendations for a permanent solution

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