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What is Condensation?

When moisture in the air comes into contact with a colder surface, like a wall or window, the warm air is unable to hold the same amount of moisture and the water is released onto the colder surface, creating tiny droplets of water to appear, which is more commonly referred to as condensation.

Find Out How To Stop Condensation

How do I prevent condensation?

With careful planning it is possible to prevent condensation build up in the home. Condensation prevention will help ensure that your property remains damp and mould free. Here are 7 steps you can take:
·       Try to keep the inside temperature reasonably constant.
·       Avoid drying clothes indoors.
·       Do not dry clothes over any radiators.
·       Ensure tumble driers are properly vented or the condensate is regularly emptied.
·       Keep furniture away from walls.
·       Do not turn off or disable extractor fans.
·       Ensure extractor fans are well maintained and offer adequate airflow.
Find out how to prevent condensation

What causes condensation at night?

Condensation is the moisture formed when warm, humid air encounters a cold surface. At night, almost all year round, the difference between indoor and outdoor temperatures means that condensation is always a possibility. 

In Britain, night-time temperatures usually fall below the dew point from the start of autumn through to late spring. Plus, the air in your home during the night in cooler periods of the year is typically more humid, because you will have often shut the windows to keep yourself warm – resulting in your rooms not being as ventilated as on a breezy summer’s day.


Find out how to stop condensation at night

14 Ways to Help Reduce Condensation in your Home

If you've spotted condensation, damp, or mould in your home, look no further, because we've pulled together some easy top tips to reduce condensation problems. Did you know 1 in 5 homes in Britain suffers from the effects of condensation?

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What Is Mould And What Causes It?

Mould is a microscopic organism that requires 3 things to grow: organic material (such as wood or paper), oxygen and moisture. Mould and damp are caused by excess moisture. Moisture in buildings can be caused by leaking pipes, rising damp in basements or ground floors, rain seeping in because of damage to the roof or around window frames. The usual suspect for the cause of mould within your home is prolonged condensation. Continuous condensation problems are usually accompanied by black mould.

Find Out How To Resolve Mould
How To Get Rid Of Mould

If your home is suffering from mould as a result of condensation and damp, it is important to understand that bleach and household products are not effective mould removal treatments. If your home is suffering with black or any other type of mould you want the best mould treatment and a quick and effective solution. Condensation damp occurs as a direct result of poor or inadequate ventilation, and once ventilation is added to the home or working efficiently, the condensation and mould should no longer appear.

Find Out More About How To Remove Mould
9 Tips To Control Mould Before It Controls You

Whether you’ve spotted a small patch of mildew in the bathroom or large chunks of mould on walls, getting rid of it should be your first priority. Without a continuous flow of air into and out of your home the relative humidity rises, and the internal atmosphere quickly becomes full of moisture. Eventually leading to condensation, especially with fluctuations in temperature which occur during winter. After a period of this cycle continuing, the water droplets that form on colder surfaces can lead to mould growth and, in some cases, damage to the building fabric itself.

9 Tips To Control Mould Blog

What Is Damp And What Causes It?

Damp is excess moisture in a room. There are 3 common types – condensation, penetrative and rising damp. Damp can be caused by condensation forming, ground water rising up through walls or penetrating external walls through cracks or due to faulty guttering or roofing. It forms when moist air comes into contact with a colder surface like a wall, window, mirror, etc. The air can't hold the moisture and tiny drops of water appear. Correct ventilation is the most effective way of eliminating it.

Find Out How To Resolve Damp Issues

Why Do I Get Damp Patches On Internal Walls?

There are several causes for damp patches appearing on interior walls including damaged guttering, cracked roof tiles and more commonly condensation. Condensation forms when warm moist air within a room touches a cold internal wall or surface.
Condensation damp is more commonly found on windows when the warm air circulates around a property and lands on the cold window panes which forms water droplets - condensation.
There are however two other forms of damp that need to ruled out before we can confirm that the dampness inside your house is indeed condensation.
1.     Rising Damp
2.     Penetrating Damp
Find Out How To Resolve Damp Issues In Your Home

What Is The Connection Between Temperature And Relative Humidity?

During winter, as the temperature drops, homeowners and landlords begin to see an increase in damp and mould problems in their properties and homes.

In most cases, damp and mould originates from condensation forming. When temperatures drop the air can no longer hold as much moisture and it will migrate to the coldest parts of the house where it condenses on windows and wall.

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Need help with condensation or mould problems?

One of our local experts will contact you to learn more about your problems, offer free expert advice and make recommendations for a solution.

During the free survey we will

  • check Assess any condensation or mould problems in your property
  • check Take readings of the relative humidity levels
  • check Identify any underlying problems and make recommendations for a solution

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