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How PIV Systems Reduce Allergens in Your Home

How PIV Systems Reduce Allergens in Your Home

Positive Input Ventilation Systems (PIV) are whole building ventilation solutions that draw air in from outside your home, filter it to remove any particles such as pollen, and then gently release the fresh air through vents in throughout your house at a constant rate to create improved air flow.

PIV systems feature a central pump unit that is normally fitted in your loft which is connected to ducts that feed the air out into the rest of the house.  The energy efficient pump unit features filters that extract any particles from the incoming air, and also a heat exchanger that uses the warm air from indoors to heat incoming air and prevent energy loss and maintain an even temperature.

Household allergens

There are many different types of allergen in a normal home which can affect people in different ways.  These include pollen, mould spores, household dust particles, and also chemicals called Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) which are released by the materials of the house itself and some cleaning products.

Positive Input Ventilation Systems work in two ways to reduce these allergens effectively.

Reducing Pollen

Pollen is released by plants and the amount of pollen in the air peaks during late spring and early summer when grasses flower.  Pollen is picked up by the wind and can be inhaled or come into contact with the eyes and nose.  When it does, Hay Fever sufferers find that they will have an allergic reaction that can range from watery eyes through to painful swelling of the sinuses and make life miserable.

It is important to maintain good airflow in a house to keep temperatures stable, particularly on the hot days when pollen levels are highest, but opening windows wide can allow pollen into the house where it can be difficult to remove and continue to affect sufferers for several days.

PIV systems allow you to filter the fresh air that comes into the house from outside, and in turn this reduces the amount of pollen that can build up.

Reducing Other Allergens

Mould spores and dust mite droppings are a common result of household damp – usually caused by condensation.  Many people suffer from allergic reactions to mould spores, and they can also contribute to problems with asthma and other respiratory conditions.

Improving the air flow through a property means there is less of an opportunity for dust and VOCs to accumulate in the building.  This reduces the concentration of these types of allergen in the home.

PIV systems will also reduce the amount of humidity in the house which minimises the amount of condensation that can form on cool surfaces and cause damp patches where mould grows.  Preventing mould growth means that there are fewer spores in the house, and also less opportunities for dust mites to thrive in the damp conditions that they enjoy.

Find out more.

If you, or any member of your household suffers from allergic reactions to household dust or hay fever, then improving your indoor air quality with ventilation could help them.  Speak to one of our local ventilation specialists who can arrange a free survey of your home and advise whether an energy efficient PIV system could help improve your indoor air quality and reduce your exposure to pollen and other allergens.


Need help with condensation, mould or damp problems?

One of our local experts will contact you to learn more about your problems, offer free expert advice and make recommendations for a permanent solution.

During the free survey we will

  • check Assess any condensation, damp or mould problems in your property
  • check Take readings of the relative humidity levels
  • check Identify any underlying problems and make recommendations for a permanent solution

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