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Damp Problems?

Each year, the average home in the UK copes with around 25,000 gallons of rain water, so it is no surprise that damp can become a big problem for many us.

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In many cases, a problem with damp can be due to poor maintenance and can start to appear on your internal walls, ceilings and chimney breasts. There are different types of damp; rising damp, penetrating damp and condensation damp. 

There are three main causes of damp problems within the home, all of which can be prevented and remedied through careful planning. The most common cause of damp problems in the home is condensation dampness which is caused by elevated humidity levels and moisture in the air.


When purchasing a property there is a lot to remember and ensure you get checked before committing to a buy. Damp is certainly one of them, you should always get a damp survey or if the current residents have recently completed one - make sure you get a copy. Also don't be afraid to ask about feeling the wall surfaces, if they feel cold and wet the chances are high there's a damp issue. 

You should also ask what damp proof courses have been carried out on the property, does the property look ok but there's a musty smell in the air? Other signs of damp to look out for; lifting or peeling wallpaper, a damp wall, yellow or brown tide marks or staining on the wall and excessive condensation on windows. Be aware of residents painting over signs of damp and mould.

painting over mould

Unfortunately the majority of the moisture in our homes is created through the body with the average human losing around 8 pints of water in a 12 hour period which makes it difficult to completely prevent a build up of moisture in the home. 

Excess moisture that builds up on walls and ceilings in your home can also lead to the growth of moulds, fungi and bacteria, which subsequently emit spores and volatile organic compounds into the indoor air.

If your property has a damp issue it's very important you find the source and determine what type of damp it is. Identify the affected area and the damp patch, if the area feels cold and is coming from the skirting board on the ground floor, it's quite likely you have rising damp.  


To help prevent condensation forming you can try and reduce the excess moisture in your property. If you open windows, try to dry clothes outside and double check your washing machine is correctly fitted, all these factors should help however they can often be easier said then done. 

The only realistic time you want to open windows and dry clothes outside is when your home and the weather is nice. Unfortunately, due to the British climate and security worries it is very unlikely you can actually achieve this. 

Preventing Damp during Autumn & Winter
Diagnosing Damp
Where Does Damp Come From?
Is there a Health Impact from Damp?
Does Damp Proof Paint Work?
Can I Sell a Property With Damp?
Why do I have damp patches on my walls?
Can you paint over damp?

preventing condensation

Exposure to condensation damp and mould growth is clinically associated with respiratory symptoms, allergies, asthma and immunological reactions. Dampness has therefore been suggested to be a strong and consistent indicator of risk for asthma and respiratory problems. 

The good news is that we can eliminate damp problems in your home. Surprisingly, it is easy to resolve once you have identified the problem areas within the home and ruled out any issues with rising or penetrating damp.

If you have a rising or penetrating damp problem it would be best to seek professional advise. With regard to condensation damp issues you can improve this and defeat the damp issue yourself. 


If you have a condensation damp issue you need to address the ventilation in your property. If there's excess moisture in the property this will form condensation and after some build-up you will soon be facing damp and mould issues. 

Having an effective extractor fan will put a stop to these issues. Extractor fans by design eliminate excess moisture in the air which in turn removes condensation keeping your home well ventilated. High power inline extractor fans work hard at eliminating this moisture and keeping your home condensation free.  

Find out more about the damp removal process

We know that no two properties are the same which is why it is important to ensure the right product is specified and installed correctly. This is why we offer a free home survey as standard to ensure the correct product is installed.

envirovent offer a free survey

Need help with condensation or mould problems?

One of our local experts will contact you to learn more about your problems, offer free expert advice and make recommendations for a solution.

During the free survey we will

  • check Assess any condensation or mould problems in your property
  • check Take readings of the relative humidity levels
  • check Identify any underlying problems and make recommendations for a solution

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