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How Can I Get Rid Of Mould?

If your home is suffering from mould as a result of condensation and damp, it is important to understand that bleach and household products are not effective mould removal treatments.

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What causes mould?

Mould is a microscopic organism related to fungus that is common in homes. Mould can grow anywhere in your home provided that it has access to the following:

  • Organic materials (including, wood, plaster or paper)
  • Moisture
  • Oxygen

Over time mould will destroy whatever it grows on because it consumes the material and uses it for nutrients. As mould matures, it releases microscopic spores that are carried on the air to other places.  In some mould species, these spores have mycotoxins and allergens attached to them. It is the mycotoxins and allergens that can affect our health and cause allergic reactions.

Mould can become a problem in your home quickly.  If the conditions are right for it to grow, it will soon spread on walls and ceilings to create large dark patches that can affect your health.  If your home is suffering with mould, you want the best mould treatment and a quick and effective solution. If you are concerned about mould growth, you should seek advice form an experienced professional.

get rid of mould permanently

Moulds are destructive, and aside from causing serious damage to the fabric of your home, they also compromise air quality and can affect your health.  If you live in a property where mould is established, people with compromised immune systems and young chuldren can be at risk of serious health problems.

Mould requres access to a sustained source of moisture  in order to grow.  In most homes, mould spreads out from damp patches on your walls where moisture from a leaking pipe or condensation builds up.  Activities such as cooking, bathing, drying clothes indoors and breathing all contribute to excess moisture in the air.  Without adequate ventilation, droplets of condensation can form on indoor surfaces such as mirrors, windowsills and on walls, particularly when they're cold.


Treating Mould

Mould can be temporarily cleaned from walls, but it is important to protect yourself from the spores by wearing goggles, long rubber gloves and a mask that covers your nose and mouth. Keep the doors of the room where you are cleaning closed to stop mould spores escaping into other areas of the house, but leave the windows open to ensure that the air is circulating..

  • have a plastic bag ready to take away any soft furnishings, clothes and soft toys that are mouldy. Soft furnishings should be shampooed and clothes professionally dry cleaned
  • fill a bucket with water and some mild detergent, such as washing-up liquid or a soap used for hand-washing clothes
  • use a rag dipped in the soapy water to carefully wipe the mould off the wall. Be careful not to brush it, as this can release mould spores
  • when you've finished, use a dry rag to remove the moisture from the wall
  • afterwards, put the rags in a plastic bag and throw them away
  • all the surfaces in the room should be thoroughly cleaned by either wet wiping or vacuuming to remove any spores
Treating Mould

Tips for Mould Prevention

Finding the source of moisture that could allow mould to grow is an important first step in preventing mould.

  • Check to see if your windows are allowing rain to seep in and if the sealant around them is damaged.  
  • Always make sure that you dry wet areas immediately. Wipe up spillages and make sure to dry floors and walls after you take a bath or shower. 
  • Available from most DIY shops, a moisture meter is the best way to measure humidity in your home.  Ideally humidity should be between 30-60%.  Any higher and your risk of condensation and mould increases.
  • Leaks are commonly caused by broken gutters or drainpipes. Make sure to inspect the exterior of your house regularly.
  • Finally, it is important to let air circulate through your home. Keep internal doors open as much as possible and move the furniture away from walls.
  • Open windows on dry days to let fresh air blow into your home, which will reduce moisture and therefore help to prevent mould.

Condensation Damp

Condensation damp is the most common factor allowing domestic mould to grow.  It usually occurs as a direct result of poor or inadequate ventilation allowing humidity levels to rise.  Once the ventilation issue has been remedied, It will help prevent condensation and mould. The usual first signs of condensation appear around the window frames as the excess moisture in the property is trying to escape. 

Dampness and mould are often found together but different form of damp can be a lot more severe than mould. Rising damp for example, will most probably need professional removal. You can read about the different forms of damp here.  

Mould and mildew can often be a problem in houses that have naturally high humidity levels, like those near the coast or beside a lake. The moisture levels in the air can increase during long periods of unpleasant weather, and if mould spores get into your property it can lead to patches appearing. 

Mould usually spreads out from the damp patch where it initially grew.  It will form dark patches on walls or your ceiling, and there may be a musty smell in the room where it is growing.


Need help with condensation problems?

One of our local experts will contact you to learn more about your problems, offer free expert advice and make recommendations for a solution.

During the free survey we will:

  • check Assess any condensation, damp or mould problems in your property
  • check Take readings of the relative humidity levels
  • check Identify any underlying problems and make recommendations for a solution

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Removing Black Mould

Some moulds can be very harmful to your health and must be removed professionally to protect you. Stachybotrys Chartarum - also known as Toxic black mould has long been the curse of homeowners.  it is found growing in bathrooms, as well as bedrooms, behind furniture, around windows and even on floors and clothes.

If you do have black mould growing or starting to grow in any areas of your home, you need to get rid of it as quickly as possible before removing the source of moisture to prevent regrowth. If you discover colonies of toxic mould in your home, do not disturb it. Touching or moving the mould can cause an enormous amount of harmful spores to be released in the air, to the detriment of you and the people you share your home with. In this instance it is imperative that you seek a mould specialist as soon as possible and even consider staying in alternative accommodation to avoid the effects of the mycotoxins in the spores which can cause neurological damage and severe allergic responses.

How to Clean Mould on Walls in Three Steps

Soapy water and traditional cleaning products are not powerful enough to tackle mould property.  A special mould spray which is available from most supermarkets or a mixture of bleach and water can be affective against tackling mould. Take care to protect yourself by wearing eye protection, gloves, and a facemask, if necessary, and test the product in a small area first before continuing.

How to Clean Mould on Walls in Three Steps with Household Cleaning Products -

  1. Mix one part bleach to four parts water.
  2. Wipe and gently scrub the mould until it is gone.
  3. Finish by wiping away the bleach mixture and dry the area well with a soft cloth.

Cleaning mould is only a temporary solution.  Unless you tackle the cause of the mould it will grow back quickly. 

Getting Rid of Mould

If your home is suffering from mould as a result of condensation dampness, it is important to understand that while bleach or other household products can clean mould away, it is not a complete solution to the problem.

While a variety of different houshold solutions are recommended for removing mould including vinegar and bicarbonate of soda they will not kill off the underlying chemical and are not as effective at cleaning away stains on your walls as bleach or mould remover. You can read more about these organic cleaners in our article - How To Remove Black Mould: Do Those Old Wives' Tales Really Work?

However again those methods still don't tackle the cause of the mould and the source of the moisture and therefore are not a long-term solution to your mould or mildew problems. Mould doesn't just appear on the surface it goes deep into your internal walls and once you have sprayed or soaked the mould in bleach the mould continues to spread within the brickwork.

Only specialist mould removal products and proper ventilation can helpremove the underlying cause of the problem. 

How to remove mould and help keep it away

The only effective long-term way of reducing mould problems is by reducing the build-up of moisture in your home.  This can only be achieved through better ventilation.  A dehumidifier can remove some moisture, but it not as effective at controlling hihg levels of water vapour in the air in bathrooms or kitchens and can significantly increase energy bills.  

EnviroVent has a range of whole-house ventilation systems designed to reduce condensation and mould problems. The units work by delivering filtered air into the property, gently ventilating it, leaving you with a pleasant indoor environment all year round. 

Seek an expert solution today and contact EnviroVent to help solve your mould problems.  

Need help with condensation or mould problems?

One of our local experts will contact you to learn more about your problems, offer free expert advice and make recommendations for a solution.

During the free survey we will

  • check Assess any condensation or mould problems in your property
  • check Take readings of the relative humidity levels
  • check Identify any underlying problems and make recommendations for a solution

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