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How Can I Prevent Mould Growing?

Without adequate ventilation, damp and mould can grow on walls, windows, and floors. Once established, without taking steps to remove the cause of mould, it will return no matter how often you try and clean it away.

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How Mould Contributes to Energy Waste

and minimise heat loss in the long run. The natural ventilation of the property is limited when renovations such as double glazing, cavity wall, and loft installation are made.

The house is effectively 'sealed up,' and it is unable to breathe. As a result, the humidity level rises, causing interior air to shift. Mould thrives in this environment of high humidity and restricted airflow.

Most of us are aware of bad outdoor air quality, which can be seen in things like car exhaust fans, but poor interior air quality may be just as harmful to our health. We can't always detect how bad the air quality is within our homes, but when you have a colony of mould growing in your house, you can see how dangerous it can be if breathed.

Mould is a fungus that decomposes dead matter. It thrives in our houses because they provide the right environment for it to thrive — moisture, warm air, and food sources such as wood, carpet, and dust. It will keep growing until it is treated and eradicated. Dead spores, on the other hand, may be just as detrimental to human health, so be cautious while disposing of them.


Where Mould Grows

Mould growing behind your walls is another regular occurrence, since it is much more subtle than just growing for all to see. Keep in mind that mould can form behind wallpaper, since the adhesive used to adhere the paper to the wall will often trap moisture and cause mould to grow.

Basements are known for having a lot of dampness, which makes them ideal for mould growth. While a little mould here and there may not seem important, you should be aware that breathing in mould can cause major health concerns.

Bathrooms are also prone to mould formation since they are naturally wet spaces that can be difficult to ventilate. Mould may form on walls, windows, and even in the grouting, especially during the winter when you want to keep as much heat as possible. After bathing, warm, liquid may remain on your shower curtain, causing mould to form.

Mould growing behind paintwork

How Mould Can Affect Your Health

Mould spores can cause nasal congestion, wheezing, chest tightness, coughing, and throat discomfort when inhaled. Long-term exposure to excessive levels of indoor moisture can deteriorate lung function and lead to chronic illnesses like asthma.

Damp and mouldy surroundings can have a range of health consequences, or none at all. Mould sensitivity affects certain people. Moulds can cause nasal congestion, throat discomfort, coughing or wheezing, eye irritation, and, in rare circumstances, skin irritation in these persons.

Mould can cause asthma

Preventing Mould

As a consequence, excessive levels of humidity and excess moisture are retained within the residence, leading to condensation and the growth of mould over time. Of course, you can always open the windows to let air in from outside, but this defeats the purpose of limiting heat loss in the dead of winter.

There are things you can do to help avoid mould formation, such as drying clothes outside, leaving bedroom doors open to generate air movement, and washing down windows, but the most effective mould prevention is appropriate ventilation, which cannot be achieved just by opening doors.


How to remove mould

Because of the variety and intensity of mould, there is no one treatment, and certain moulds require expert removal. If you have a problem with poisonous mould, for example, you should seek expert help to ensure that your home is a safe place for you and your family. If you come across a colony of hazardous mould, it's critical not to disturb it. When you touch or move the mould, a large volume of deadly spores is released into the air, putting you and others who share your house at risk.

Cleaning your house with a non-toxic mould cleaning solution is a simple approach for eradicating non-toxic mould. After the mould has been removed, it is critical to properly dry the surface to prevent the mould from returning.

How to remove mould

Another quick and easy method is to use bleach to eliminate the mould and stains on your walls. If you do decide to try this method, be sure to wear heavy clothing (that you don't mind getting damaged in), rubber gloves, and a face shield because both the mould and bleach fumes can be toxic to breath. Follow these steps to remove mould from your walls:

  • Dilute bleach in a ratio of one part bleach to four parts water.
  • Gently scrub at the mould with a damp cloth until the mould is gone.
  • Once finished, dry the area well with a soft cloth.

Keep in mind that this isn't a long-term cure, and you'll need to address the mould’s root cause to prevent it from returning. If the mould is caused by sewage or floodwater, and your property has been water damaged, you should not attempt to remove it yourself since it is hazardous to your health. Because the area will need to be cleansed and sanitised, it is advisable to hire a specialist.

removing mould

How to get rid of mould for good

Most people believe that if you clean your house regularly, you won't have mould problems, however mould is caused by improper ventilation, not cleanliness. Of course, keeping your home clean will help you stay on top of mould growth, but it won't solve the problem.

Keep in mind that mould may develop on almost any surface, including clothing, carpets, food, the insides of walls, pipes, the ceiling, and so on. It's also critical to deal with any spills or moisture build-up as soon as possible. Allowing moisture to sit is a proven method to encourage the formation of mould. A soiled towel on the floor, for example, might cause problems.

Once you have a problem with mould, no matter how many times you clean, scrub, paint and even successfully remove it, the problem will always persist. The root cause, which in a lot of cases is inadequate ventilation, can be easily solved by investing in a whole house ventilation unit.

If you are concerned about mould in your home, book your free home survey from one of our local ventilation specialists.  They will find the cause of your mould problem and provide advice about the best way to deal with it properly.


Need help with condensation or mould problems?

One of our local experts will contact you to learn more about your problems, offer free expert advice and make recommendations for a solution.

During the free survey we will

  • check Assess any condensation or mould problems in your property
  • check Take readings of the relative humidity levels
  • check Identify any underlying problems and make recommendations for a solution

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