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The different types of mould most found in the home

The different types of mould most found in the home

There are many different varieties of mould that grow in an array of colours such as green, black, white, orange, and blue. Some strains of mould are more harmful than others, and one strain of mould can grow in a variety of colours, depending on different circumstances. This makes it difficult to identify exactly which strain of mould is growing in your home, and therefore it is hard to determine whether you should be worried. Generally, it is best to get rid of all kinds of mould, before it spreads and either you or your family members become ill.

The most common types of mould that grow in the home are the black and green varieties.

Green mould

Green mould may be indicative of Cladosporium, Aspergillus or Penicillium mould. Not only does mould look unsightly, but it can eat away at your paint and damage it while releasing potentially hazardous spores into the air. Kill green mould on your wall to eliminate these cosmetic, structural, and respiratory risks.

Green mould is common in many houses in the UK and typically belongs to the aspergillus, Cladosporium or penicillium families. Green mould can usually look 'fluffy' in appearance and can often be found growing on damp walls, inside cupboards and carpets and on damp fabrics and mattresses.

Penicillium can cause sinus infections and inflammation of the lungs, whereas other strains of green mould can cause bronchitis and even pneumonia if left untreated.

White Mould

Likewise, white mould is often described as almost furry in look especially when found on damp wood. White mould is often found in cool, damp environments such as in basements, cellars and usually growing up a wall. White mould is often overlooked as it can look like efflorescence which is a crystalline deposit of salts often seen on the surface of concrete or brick work. It occurs when water leaves behind salt deposits.  You can differentiate the two by spraying water on the surface. If the residue does not dissolve it is white mould.

Blue Mould

Blue mould is another common household mould that usually appears in wetter rooms like bathrooms and again usually on walls rising to ceilings. Steam from showers and bathing is the optimum moist environment for mould to grow.

Black Mould

All kinds of mould can be harmful to health; however, black mould is famously the one to watch out for. Most black moulds are common and often come from the same strain as green mould. They can be treated with normal treatment methods and are not to be a cause of great concern.   There is however a particularly difficult type of mould known as Stachybotrys chartarum, or toxic black mould.  This is a variety of micro fungus that produces its conidia in slime heads. It is sometimes found in soil and grain, but the mould is most often detected in cellulose-rich building materials from damp or water-damaged buildings.

Toxic black mould can have serious implications on your health. 

Stachybotrys, or toxic black mould, is harmful in the home because it produces mycotoxins. Mycotoxins are invisible to the human eye but can enter the human body through inhalation, ingestion and even through the eyes. These mycotoxins are very dangerous and can cause problems with the reproductive system, vision, skin, the circulatory and respiratory systems and can even have psychological and neurological effects.

Some mycotoxins cause immune system responses that vary considerably, depending on the individual. The duration of exposure, the frequency of exposure and the concentration of the insult (exposure) are elements in triggering immune system response. If you are experiencing worrying symptoms and cannot identify the cause, it is important to check your house for signs of black mould.

Reducing black mould

The growth of black mould growth on bathroom ceilings and walls is a sign of condensation, and in bathrooms there is generally plenty of that! The warm, air laden with moisture meets cold surfaces which cool the air so that it can no longer hold the moisture forcing it to condense on that surface. Therefore, condensation is typically found on windows and other colder areas.

There are three ways to stop the condensation and therefore the likelihood of mould growth:

Improve ventilation so that the moist air is removed before it can condense

EnviroVent can help with Condensation and Mould

If you have persistent black mould in some rooms of your home, speaking to one of our local experts to arrange a free home survey will help get to the root cause of your mould problem and prevent it from recurring.

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One of our local experts will contact you to learn more about your problems, offer free expert advice and make recommendations for a solution.

During the free survey we will

  • check Assess any condensation or mould problems in your property
  • check Take readings of the relative humidity levels
  • check Identify any underlying problems and make recommendations for a solution

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