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Ventilation Specialists in Berkshire

West of London, and one of the oldest and most historic counties in England, Berkshire is home almost a million people across its major towns of Reading, Slough, Maidenhead and Windsor.

In both the towns and rural areas of Berkshire, older properties without the benefit of modern insulation can suffer from serious condensation problems.  This occurs most frequently during the winter months when temperatures can reach below freezing.

EnviroVent have helped thousands of households in the county to improve their indoor air quality through the use of improved ventilation that prevents condensation for good.

Ventilation can help reduce domestic air pollution in Berkshire

In urban areas of Berkshire such as Reading and Slough, and along the M4 corridor through the county, pollution levels are above the national average, and may affect people with respiratory conditions such as asthma. 

As Berkshire lies on the main flightpath for Heathrow airport, noise levels can be high in the county, so simply opening windows to let fresh air in is not always an option.  This leads to higher concentrations of both external particulate pollution in properties along with a build-up of volatile organic compounds released by cleaning products.

The use of Positive Input Ventilation Systems (PIV) in properties in more polluted areas can help improve indoor air quality.  These whole house ventilation systems draw fresh filtered air in at roof level and gently distribute it through your home displacing stale, humid, or polluted air.

Local Ventilation Experts in Berkshire

EnviroVent’s specialists cover the whole of Berkshire including Reading, Slough, and Maidenhead as well as surrounding areas. A free home survey service is available to investigate your home for problems with condensation, damp or mould.  To find a local ventilation specialist near you, simply enter your postcode in the form below.  An expert will visit your home, identify the causes of any such issues and provide you with advice about the best solution for your needs.

Talk to us today, and book your FREE home survey from one of our local experts based across the Berkshire region:

Our Locally based ventilation specialists can help you solve condensation problems for good!

Need help with condensation or mould problems?

One of our local experts will contact you to learn more about your problems, offer free expert advice and make recommendations for a solution.

During the free survey we will

  • check Assess any condensation or mould problems in your property
  • check Take readings of the relative humidity levels
  • check Identify any underlying problems and make recommendations for a solution

Arrange a FREE Home Survey now

What do our customers say?

star star star star star

“Would highly recommend this product. No more damp issues.”

Shirley Duthie

star star star star star

“The system has worked very well and all traces of mould have disappeared and as we have had a very wet winter I am really impressed.”

Elaine Sarchet

star star star star star

“Excellent service, condensation has totally gone.”

Chris Williams