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Condensation Specialists in South London

Residents of South London benefit from a location close to the city centre, and with multiple up and coming neighbourhoods, it is a focus of redevelopment and renewal in the city.  A diverse range of different properties can be found across the six boroughs that make up the South London area, from densely populated areas around Peckham and Vauxhall through to more suburban parts such as Richmond upon Thames.

As with many parts of the capital, key considerations in South London centre on improvements to air quality, and some of the issues faced by residents in older properties such as damp and mould growth.

Improving Indoor Air Quality in South London

As a major logistics route into central London, air quality is affected by transportation.  Although initiatives such as clean air zones and the congestion charges have gone some way to reducing pollution, large numbers of trucks and diesel busses still dominate the streets releasing particulate pollution.

As with many busy cities, urban noise and security are concerns for many residents, and as such, it is not always possible to leave windows open to get fresh air.

Condensation leading to damp and mould

With limited outdoor space in many parts of South London, many residents will find that condensation can be a major problem.  Drying clothes indoors contributes large amounts of moisture into the home atmosphere which can cause condensation to form when it comes into contact with cold surfaces such as walls and windows.

Over time, condensation can soak through porous surfaces to create damp patches where mould will grow.  Taking action to reduce humidity through improved ventilation protects the fabric of your home and your health.

Improving home ventilation

Poor quality air in your home, whether due to the presence mould spores or pollution from outside can negatively affect your health.

South London residents should ensure that they have adequate extraction in their house or flat to deal with humidity.  Older properties with poor insulation can be more prone to damp problems, so it is particularly important in such houses to ensure that extractor fans are fitted in bathrooms and kitchens.  If clothes or towels are dried indoors, ensure that they are placed in a room with ventilation to prevent them contributing to overall moisture levels.

Whole house ventilation systems such as PIV (Positive Input Ventilation) are increasingly popular in South London homes.  They draw filtered air in from outdoors through a central unit mounted at roof level where it avoids most pollution.  This fresh air is then distributed through the property to replace stale or humid air and prevent the build-up of allergens and condensation.

Local Ventilation Experts in South London

EnviroVent condensation specialists across South London who can offer advice and support to help you prevent condensation and improve indoor air quality.

Our specialists handle enquiries for the whole of South London and we offer services for landlords as well as a free home survey for homeowners to identify key issues with existing ventilation.

Talk to us today, and book your FREE home survey from one of our local experts based locally in South London:

Our Locally based ventilation specialists can help you solve condensation problems for good!

Need help with condensation, mould or damp problems?

One of our local experts will contact you to learn more about your problems, offer free expert advice and make recommendations for a permanent solution.

During the free survey we will

  • check Assess any condensation, damp or mould problems in your property
  • check Take readings of the relative humidity levels
  • check Identify any underlying problems and make recommendations for a permanent solution

Arrange a FREE Home Survey now

What do our customers say?

star star star star star

“Would highly recommend this product. No more damp issues.”

Shirley Duthie

star star star star star

“The system has worked very well and all traces of mould have disappeared and as we have had a very wet winter I am really impressed.”

Elaine Sarchet

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“Excellent service, condensation has totally gone.”

Chris Williams