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6 Mould Prevention Tips

Prevent Mould Growing on Your Ceilings

Black mould growing on the ceilings in your home can be unsightly and a risk to respiratory health if members of your household suffer from allergies. 

Condensation is one of the biggest causes of mould problems on ceilings. Mould is a kind of fungus that develops from airborne spores. It prefers to grow in warm, damp conditions where there is not much airflow and because of that bathrooms and kitchens often suffer the worst from condensation and mould, with patches of growth in ceilings where air is more still.

Taking steps to prevent mould from developing in the first place is the best way of avoiding problems in the future.  These are our tips to prevent mould growth on ceilings around your home.

1. Dry clothes outside

Drying washing on a radiator indoors creates condensation and prevents your heating system from working efficiently. It is also a reason why condensation and mould growth are accelerated during the winter months, from one load of washing, over 2 litres of moisture is released into the air! If drying your washing outside is not possible, dry in a room where it is possible to open a window to provide ventilation and remove the moisture from inside to outside. If you are using a washing machine or tumble dryer inside your home, ensure that it is correctly vented correctly.

2. Open windows and shut doors

After a shower, bath, boiling a kettle or cooking the humidity levels in your bathroom/kitchen skyrocket and the warm air rises to allow condensation around the tops of your walls which can lead to mould forming on your ceilings. If you do not already have an extractor fan or some form of ventilation fitted this, humidity can turn into condensation and effect the whole house. Closing the door while using the bathroom or kitchen contains the moisture produced, and opening a window after will allow any excess moisture to escape naturally without effecting the temperature of the air in the rest of the house which helps to stop condensation settling on walls, ceilings and windows in your bathroom or kitchen, which can lead to mould problems. This will help prevent mould growth on ceilings, but it will not eliminate the problem.

3. Don't overstuff

Do not overfill bedroom wardrobes and kitchen cupboards. Overfilled cupboards are a breeding ground for mould as it prevents the air from circulating freely inside. For the same reasons, make sure that any furniture is at least 50mm away from the surrounding walls so that air can move around more easily. Also try to put wardrobes against internal walls in bedrooms; this will be less cold than external walls. Full height wardrobes can create a large area where there is no airflow, so ensuring that there is a gap will help to prevent mould growing on ceilings above wardrobes.

4. Get rid of dust mites

Household dust mites and their debris flourish in damp, mouldy conditions. Living in bedding, carpets and other soft furnishings, dust mites thrive in homes that do not have adequate ventilation and where relative humidity is high. Did you know if you have had your pillow or duvet for over 2 years 10% of their weight is made up of dust mites, dead mites, and their droppings. Reducing humidity levels considerable reduces the mites’ ability to thrive. Bedding, cushions, and carpets should be frequently cleaned or hoovered, and mattresses flipped to help remove mites and their debris as well as dead skin cells and hair that provide them sustenance.

5. Regularly clean carpets

If you do not have hard wood floors dust mites, dirt, hair, and fungus can be living in your carpets. All of these can potentially aggravate breathing conditions such as asthma and bronchial attacks, as well as hay fever and eczema, and cause bad smells and a drop in the air quality in your home. If you have a carpet in the bathroom or kitchen that regularly becomes wet from bathing and cooking, it’s worth considering changing to a covering such as tiles or laminate, to eliminate the perfect breeding ground for dust mites, mould, fungi and other nasties. If you do want to stick with carpet, then it is important to make sure it is thoroughly cleaned regularly, and that you keep the space well ventilated to keep relative humidity down.

6. Ventilation is the Best Solution

The best solution to prevent mould on ceilings from condensation is proper ventilation, to vent condensation your home needs to have an adequate air flow and kept at a good temperature. When a room gets to a certain temperature, humidity gathers creating moisture in the air. If this excess moisture is not ventilated it will cause condensation. EnviroVent has a ventilation system for every kind of home, whether it be the smallest apartment, bungalow, house or a major building project. With a wide range of energy efficient and innovative ventilation systems, you can be assured that your indoor air quality will be dramatically improved, whilst having a positive effect on your health and your home. Our condensation control vents, are designed to minimise if not eliminate condensation

EnviroVent can help with Condensation and Mould

1 in 5 UK homes have problems with condensation, but it is relatively simple to resolve those problems and to prevent further issues developing.  Arrange a survey from your local specialist who can help you cure condensation for good.

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One of our local experts will contact you to learn more about your problems, offer free expert advice and make recommendations for a solution.

During the free survey we will

  • check Assess any condensation or mould problems in your property
  • check Take readings of the relative humidity levels
  • check Identify any underlying problems and make recommendations for a solution

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